Towards a more sustainable Wellbeing, Health, and Performance

The world is facing multiple severe crises that became starkly evident with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, followed by wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, and the escalating impacts of climate change, such as extreme heatwaves, droughts, floods, and wildfires. Long before 2019, experts warned of deeper crises rooted in our disconnection from nature, each other, and ourselves, as highlighted by MIT research. These disconnections fuel the problems we hear about daily.

Efforts like the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to address these challenges, but progress has stalled, and more action is urgently needed.

Dr. Otto Scharmer from MIT argues that global upheavals stem from outdated economic models and a closed mindset, heart, and will—issues that manifest as narrow-mindedness, hatred, and deceit. His ideas align with the teachings of great thinkers like Buddha and Jesus, who emphasized inner transformation as key to societal change.

Our Approach

The 14th Dalai Lama believes that while religious and philosophical traditions differ, they all seek to cultivate virtues like compassion, kindness, and integrity. Recognizing that tradition-specific approaches may not resonate with everyone, he advocates for “secular ethics,” which emphasizes common values supported by scientific research in fields like neuroscience and psychology.

This perspective has led to the rise of contemplative science, an emerging field that integrates scientific research with wisdom from contemplative traditions to transform human consciousness. Studies, particularly in mindfulness, show how these practices can address today’s crises and foster a better society.

Building on this foundation, we provide services rooted in contemplative science, tailored for managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and workplace leaders. Our offerings include free resources, keynote speeches, courses, coaching, retreats, and community-building initiatives, all designed to enhance growth, resilience, and well-being in professional settings.

Meet the Core Team

We are a team of leadership and well-being facilitators, psychologists, coaches, consultants committed to the transformative power of sustainable leadership. Our core belief is simple: “Happy employees create happy companies.” We focus on holistic leadership that nurtures well-being, personal growth, and sustainable practices.

Our mission is to foster collaboration, creativity, and innovation by empowering leaders to build connections that transcend boundaries. We help organizations flourish, thrive, and drive positive change.

Our team is trained by leading experts, including Dr. Ryan M. Niemiec and the VIA Institute on Character, Otto Schamer and Presencing Institue, John Kabat-Zinn, and practices mindfulness in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. With decades of experience, we are dedicated to creating thriving corporate environments through mindfulness and character strengths.

Our team members’ appearance order follows alphabetical order

Albert Cervelló Griso

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Albert brings a wealth of international experience, having spent 15 years working with leading telecommunications providers like Cisco Systems. His career has taken him to over 10 countries, enriching his global and multicultural perspective.

After a decade of training in personal and professional development, Albert transitioned to become an entrepreneur, international trainer, and executive coach. He is passionate about talent development, enhancing well-being, and boosting workplace productivity.

Albert offers training in leadership, soft skills, and emotional intelligence, as well as executive coaching to develop the necessary skills and inner wisdom for an extraordinary professional career.

Living in Reus, Spain, Albert’s working languages are English, Spanish, and Catalan.

  • Master of Telecommunications Engineering from Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona
  • Postgraduate in Executive Coaching and Organizational Development from Hult-Ashridge Business School, London (UK)
  • Master Trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming with the NLP Society
  • Expert in Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence from the EsMindfulness Institute
  • Enneagram Program completed at Claudio Naranjo’s Foundation
  • Specialization in Psychology of the Selves and Voice Dialogue under Dr. Elena Dragotto
  • Currently pursuing training in Systemic Leadership

Lutz Hempel, MBA

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Born in Germany, Lutz helps people and organizations become more conscious, whole, naturally agile and resonant. He brings more than 20 years of experience in management consulting. Passionate about resonant collaboration and mindfulness in work and life, Lutz works with teams and leaders to help them to connect, learn and thrive, incorporating character strengths practice, music and business improvisation. Living outside of Basel, Switzerland, Lutz’s working languages are German and English.

  • MBA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
  • Chartered Certified Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) Practitioner
  • Member, Network for Mindful Business (leader of Basel regional group)
  • Team member at Centre for Mindfulness Basel
  • Founder, Groovin’ Organization
  • Companion, les enfants terribles school and community for good New Work
  • Certified Consultant, The Leadership Circle Profile
  • Co-Founder and Managing Partner, The Flourishing Circle

Nguyen Thi Thuy Nga

Program Designing, Psychotherapy Counselling
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Nga is a software developer and a clinical psychology master student. Born and raised in Vietnam, Nga came to France for her studies in 2010 and lives there ever since. She has been practicing mindfulness in the tradition of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh since 2012 and wish to bring the mindfulness practice to her psychotherapy practice. Her working languages are English, French and Vietnamese.

  • MA in Computer Science, University La Rochelle, France
  • BA in Psychology, University Paris 8, France
  • Member of the Order of Interbeings in the tradition of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh

Sergio Costa, PhD

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Sergio focuses on purpose discovery, design, and enactment, and on experiential and transformative learning programs involving nature.

Holding a PhD in Entrepreneurship at Strathclyde Business School in 2014, receiving the prestigious Academy of Management’s Best Doctoral Dissertation Award for his work on business model design and technology entrepreneurship, Sergio is now teaching at the School of Management at the University of Bath. He previously taught at Warwick Business School (UK), receiving a Teaching Excellence award in 2022 for the unit “Principles of Entrepreneurship”. He has delivered courses at Imperial College Business School (UK), University of Trento (Italy), University of Strathclyde (Scotland), and University of Porto (Portugal). Over the years, he has supervised more than 60 Full-Time MBA, Executive MBA and Masters dissertations from both the University of Bath and University of Bristol.

Prior to academia, Sergio worked as a planning and production engineer for Infineon Technologies and later as a sales engineer for Siemens Healthcare. After his MBA, he served as a strategy consultant for Porto Business School. He also coached entrepreneurs for University of Porto Innovation (UPIN).

He is  trained in Attachment Theory (Una McCluskey), Integral Relationships (Martin Ucik), Non Violent Communication, and Imago Relationship Therapy. He has studied and practiced Integral Theory, Self- Compassion (Tim Desmond and Kristin Neff), and Internal Family Systems. He also enjoys international communities and musical improvisation.

Tran Vinh Tan

Steering, Facilitating
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In 2008, Tan began exploring mindfulness practices in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh to navigate a personal crisis. Since then, he has committed himself to studying and practicing mindfulness, incorporating methodologies such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Search Inside Yourself (SIY), Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP), and Theory U. His expertise has been enhanced through international certification programs and his translation work of books by prominent figures in the field, including Otto Scharmer, Jon Kabat-Zinn, the VIA Institute of Character Strengths, and the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute.

Tan seamlessly integrates mindfulness practices into his professional work as a human flourishing and leadership facilitator. He shares his insights with numerous individuals and organizations, including multinational entities like the United Nations, General Electric, and Salesforce. He currently leads and facilitates at The Flourishing Circle, a mission-driven initiative aimed at helping individuals thrive by combining wisdom and science. Tan resides near the Plum Village International Practice Center in France with his companion. He speaks Vietnamese, English, French, and Norwegian.

  • Strategic Board Member of Association pour le Développement de la Mindfulness, France
  • MBA in Strategy and Leadership,  Norwegian University of Life Science Business School
  • Certified teacher of Mindfulness-Based Emotional Intelligence, Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute
  • Certified teacher level 1 of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
  • Certified teacher of Mindfulness-Based Strength Practice by the VIA Institute on Character
  • Member, the Order of Interbeing
  • Certified coach by the American Board of NLP and Hypnosis

Clara Garcias, MPsy

Organization Development Coach
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Born in Barcelona, Clara is a trainer, consultant, educational psychologist, and organizational coach with a passion for social empowerment. She helps people and organizations build their capacities, evolve holistically, and flourish. Since 2011, Clara leads empowerment and skills-based workshops for organizations, schools, institutions, and companies in East Africa and internationally.  Living between Kampala, Uganda, and Barcelona, Clara’s working languages are English, Swahili, Spanish, and Catalan.

  • Bachelor’s Degree, Elementary Education & Psychology, Universitat Ramon LLull, Barcelona
  • Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology (Awarded), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Psychotherapist specialized in Family constellations, Kuunganisha Institut, Kenya
  • Clinical Integrated Hypnotherapy, Ekaa Foundation, India
  • Regression Therapy, Tasso Institute, Netherlands
  • NLP Coach and Trainer, Institut Gestalt, Barcelona
  • Systemic Coaching, Institut Gestalt, Barcelona
  • Mindfulness Practitioner in the Plum Village tradition
  • Board member, The Kobo Trust Foundation, Kenia
  • Managing Director, Clara Garcias Counseling & Consulting
  • Partner, Gallifa & Partner LLC, Switzerland
  • Managing Partner, The Flourishing Circle

Jaume Gallifa, MBA

Advisory Board Member
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Born in Barcelona, with a background in Applied Economics and IT leadership, Jaume specializes in transformational change and flourishing. Project and quality management professional and certified leadership coach, Jaume has led many large-scale international enterprise programs and project rescue situations. Passionate about building communities of practice, Jaume is an insightful expert and practitioner of sustainable leadership, Zen flourishing coaching, mindfulness, and character strengths. Living in Lausanne, Switzerland, Jaume’s working languages are English, French, Spanish, and Catalan.

  • MBA in Economics, Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona
  • Master Coach in Leadership and Communication
  • Chartered Certified Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) Lead Practitioner
  • Self-Leadership Lecturer, HEG Geneva School of Business Administration
  • Founding member, Mindfulness Practice Centre, Lausanne
  • Owner, Managing Director, Gallifa & Partner LLC
  • Associate, Board Member, and Managing Partner, SHIFT
  • Member, Order of Interbeing
  • Co-Founder and Managing Partner, The Flourishing Circle

Mauricio Campos

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Mauricio (Mauri) specializes in connecting people and organizations to support their ‘outer’ transformation & their ‘inner’ growth. He brings a multi-faceted background with 20+ years experience in Pharma & Healthcare & 10+ years coaching experience working in the development of organizations, leaders & teams. Living in Basel, Switzerland, Mauri’s working languages are English & Spanish.

  • Systems Engineer, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional Buenos Aires
  • Global Executive MBA, IE Business School
  • Integral & Systemic Coach
  • ICF PCC Certified
  • EMCC Senior Team Coach Certified
  • Yoga & Pranayama & Meditation Instructor

Orlaith O’Sullivan, BA, PhD

Advisory Board Member
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Born in Dublin, Orlaith specializes in practical mindfulness solutions and building happier communities. Experienced in strategic change management and communication, she is passionate about creating innovative practices that meet us just where we are. She teaches internationally on making happiness a habit. Studying in the Plum Village tradition for over 20 years, she is known for blending poetry and practice, developing programmes for children and teens and creating sanctuaries of rest for adults. Orlaith is an award-winning author. Living in Dublin, Ireland, Orlaith’s working language is English.

  • PhD in English Literature, Trinity College, Dublin
  • Chartered Certified Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) Practitioner
  • Adviser, The World Happiness Festival
  • Steering Group for Education, The Mindfulness Initiative (UK)
  • Founding member, The Community of Contemplative Education (Mind & Life Europe)
  • Founder, Orlaith O’Sullivan PhD: Mindfulness Training & Consultancy
  • Co-Founder and Managing Partner, The Flourishing Circle