Stress Reduction (MBSR)

The MBSR program provides a comprehensive approach to manage stress, improve emotional regulation, and enhance overall well-being by integrating mindfulness meditation and awareness practices into daily life.

Program Overview

MBSR is an evidence-based program that was developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in 1979. It is designed to help individuals manage stress, pain, and illness through the cultivation of mindfulness—an awareness that arises by paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and without judgment.

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn

Professor emeritus of medicine

Program Objectives

Develop the ability to recognize and accept your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment.

Learn to focus attention on the present moment and let go of negative thoughts.

Develop the ability to take care of yourself physically and mentally.

Cultivate the ability to respond calmly and wisely to challenging situations.

Enhance self-compassion and empathy towards yourself and others.

What Does the Program Involve?

The MBSR program typically spans eight weeks, with weekly sessions lasting 2-2.5 hours, along with a full-day retreat. Each session includes guided mindfulness practices, gentle yoga, group discussions, and home assignments. The core practices taught include:


Mindfulness Meditation

Learning to focus attention on the breath, body sensations, thoughts, and emotions.

Body Scan

A guided practice that encourages awareness of the body, fostering relaxation and presence.

Mindful Movement

Incorporating gentle yoga and stretching exercises to integrate mindfulness into physical activity.

Awareness of Daily Activities

Applying mindfulness to everyday activities like eating, walking, and communication.

Group Discussion

Share experiences and learn from each other within the group.

Program Benefits

Numerous studies have shown that MBSR can lead to significant improvements in mental and physical health. Participants often experience:

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety

    Mindfulness helps to break the cycle of stress by teaching you how to respond rather than react to stressors.

  • Enhanced Focus and Clarity

    Regular mindfulness practice can improve concentration, decision-making, and overall cognitive function.

  • Increased Self-Awareness

    Through mindfulness, individuals develop a deeper understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which supports personal growth and self-compassion.

  • Improved Emotional Regulation

    MBSR fosters a greater understanding of emotions, allowing you to manage them more effectively.

  • Better Pain Management

    MBSR has been shown to be effective in managing chronic pain by changing the way individuals relate to their pain.

  • Increased Well-Being

    Overall, MBSR participants report feeling more connected, balanced, and at peace in their lives.

Who Can Benefit from MBSR?

MBSR is suitable for anyone looking to improve their quality of life, whether you’re dealing with chronic stress, physical pain, or simply the challenges of everyday living.



  • Those experiencing body aches, stress, or other tension-related issues.
  • Those interested in personal development.

Health and wellness professionals

  • Psychotherapist
  • Coach
  • Mindfulness & Yoga Instructor


  • HR
  • Business Leader
  • Internal Mindfulness Instructor

The MBSR program is not a substitute for other medical treatments. If you are experiencing serious health issues, please consult with your doctor before participating in the program.

Program Structure


Introduction & Program Overview

Meeting between Participants and Instructors


WEEKS 1 & 2

Mindful Movement

Mindful Eating

Body Scan Meditation

Perception Didactic

Awareness of Breathing

Pleasant Events Calendar

WEEKS 3 & 4

Walking Meditation

Lying Down Mindful Movement

Unpleasant Events Calendar

The Stress Response

Standing Mindful Movement

Group Exploration of Stress

WEEKS 5 & 6

Sitting and Standing Meditations

Working with Difficulties

Responding Instead of Reacting

Choiceless Awareness Meditation

Mindful Communications

Discussion of Full Day

Full Day Retreat

Day-long (7 hours) at home meditation retreat

WEEKS 7 & 8

Silent Meditations

Loving Kindness Meditation

Formal and Informal Practice

Sustaining Your Practice

Course End
